New apartments for members of the defence system
State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, Nenad Nerić, presented today at Bežanijska Kosa residential area members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces with keys to 68 apartments.
According to him, this is a significant day also for the Ministry of Defence.
- We have finally solved what had not been solved for many years. As early as in 2014, the management of the Ministry of Defence started the "Completion of the commenced works" campaign, and thanks to this, primarily the Infrastructure Department, we reached today's results. Minister of Defence Zoran Đorđević was fortunate enough to sign the decisions for the allocation of these apartments and I am sure this is a happy day also for him, Nerić said.
- In this area, Bežanijska Kosa 2, we started to build back in 1992, and that was a number of 1987 apartments. Today almost all housing units have been built, except for the building 24 which will be completed in September. Then we will distribute the keys of another 81 apartments, the State Secretary said.
After handing over the keys, the State Secretary visited several apartments to ascertain the real state of the housing units and talk with new tenants. These are apartments at 42 to 46, Partizanske avijacije Street and the most numerous are the three and a half-room apartments and three-room apartments.