Ceremony on the Occasion of Establishing the 1st Logistics Centre
On the occasion of establishing the 1st Logistics Centre of the Central Logistics Base, today a ceremony took place in barracks “Kneževac” in Belgrade. The ceremony was attended by the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Ljubiša Diković and the members of the extended Board of the Chief of General Staff.
- By establishing logistics centres we wish to join and unify all the available capacities related to logistic support and to create more efficient units and components in order to more easily discharge numerous tasks thus rendering the realisation of the tasks more efficient. That is our goal, said the Chief of the General Staff.
- All the functions of logistic support have been placed under one umbrella. The number of administrative bodies has been reduced and the number of executive ones has been increased. The command has been unified, the flow of information shortened and the material movement has been made faster which all yielded positive results – Colonel Alimpić pointed out and added that the newly established unit “will be an anchor and worthy successor of logistic units and provide support to the units of Serbian Armed Forces in building their operational capabilities”.