New Action Plan for implementation of Resolution 1325
The Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted the National Action Plan (NAP) for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security in the Republic of Serbia (2017 - 2020) by proposal of the Ministry of Defence. The implementation of the previous Action Plan for the period 2010-2015 was assessed as very successful, and the focus was on enhancement of status and safety of women at a local level.
Besides guidelines of Chairman of the Political Council of the Government for the implementation of NAP and Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic, representatives of state authorities and local governments, academia, organizations of civil society and independent male and female experts took part in development of the new NAP with the expert support of the Ministry of Defence.
Taking into account the fact that the process of development of normative, strategic and planning documents, which will deal with prevention of violence against women in families and partner relationships in a more complete way is ongoing in the Republic of Serbia, NAP (2017 - 2020) contains the activities focused on prevention of violence against women in multinational operations, in conflict and post conflict recovery of society, crises and emergencies with a special emphasis on prevention, protection and recovery of women due to contemporary challenges, risks and threats to security, which especially affect marginalized and multiple discriminated categories of population.