Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Djordjevic with Head of UNDP Office

The Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic has met with the Head of UN Resident Coordinator Office and UNDP Resident Representative in Serbia Ms. Karla Robin Hershey.
 Министар Ђорђевић са шефицом Канцеларије УН за развој
During the meeting the interlocutors talked about the development of further cooperation. Mr. Djordjevic emphasized that projects with UN and their specialized agencies had great significance for continuation of the reform process that the Ministry of Defence is truly committed to, which is especially important for the progress of our country to full membership in EU.
Mr. Djordjevic thanked for the support given in implementation of CASM project, whose total value is assessed to be more than 11 million dollars, and which shows that Serbia complies with UN and OSCE standards, criteria and procedures in the field of disarmament and armament control.
The topic of the conversation was also gender equality concept, which, according to Mr. Djordjevic, has been accepted in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces as the strategic orientation. Therefore, the measures for greater representation of women and their equal participation in execution of all tasks will be continued in a planned manner.
“The following National Action Plan for the implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security will be more complex than the previous one”, the Defence Minister stressed, adding that this makes Serbia ready in 2020 to assume one of the leading positions at the global level when it comes to respect of women’s rights and their engagement in all spheres of social and professional life. “We will put a special emphasis on the activities directed to development of capacities for participation of women in UN peacekeeping missions. Thus, we are ready to share our experience and knowledge in this field with others”, Mr. Djordjevic highlighted.
The views on the migrant crisis and the significant role of Serbia in preservation of the regional stability and enhancement of relations with neighbouring countries were exchanged at the meeting.