Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting with a team of the State Audit Institution

The Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic held today the introductory meeting with a six-member-auditor team of the State Audit Institution led by the State Auditor in the Sector for audit of expediency Natalija Pausic.
Састанак са тимом Државне ревизорске институције On the basis of 2017 Audit Programme of the State Audit Institution and Conclusions on the execution of audit, the audit of expediency “The adequacy of application of insurance service with increased duration for certain vacancies and jobs” at the Ministry of Defence has started and will be carried out in the following period.
During the meeting the objective of the audit of expediency, manner and dynamics of execution were presented, as well as the system and specificity of the military service in terms of determining vacancies and jobs. Furthermore, the information necessary for successful conduct of the audit were exchanged.
Besides Minister Djordjevic the meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Defence from Secretariat, Human Resources Sector and Budget and Finance Sector.