Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Lecture by the Defence Minister at the Diplomatic Academy

The Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic gave a lecture today at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The topic of the lecture today were the organization, competence and significance of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, the military diplomacy and international military cooperation, as well as security challenges and threats, which the Republic of Serbia faces with.
The Defence Minister presented a wide range of areas of competence and complexity of all tasks performed on everyday basis in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces. Mr. Djordjevic emphasized that public opinion polls confirmed that the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces enjoy the greatest trust of the citizens of Serbia owing to diligent work of all members of the defence system and successful execution of tasks within all three missions of the Serbian Armed Forces.
The students of the Diplomatic Academy had an opportunity to ask Mr. Djordjevic questions. They were mostly interested in measures undertaken by the Ministry of Defence in fight against terrorism, as well as how the problem of the migrant crisis affects Serbia, what kind of international military cooperation we have with countries in the region, whether compulsory military service will be brought back and what capacities and export potential of the Serbian Defence Industry are.
Furthermore, the Defence Minister talked about the recent display “Steel 2017” held at Nikinci ground on the occasion of marking the Day of the Serbian Armed Forces, Victory and Europe. He highlighted the good collaboration of our Armed and Police Forces displayed both in Nikinci and during everyday engagement of the Joint Military and Police Force in protection of the state border.
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