Enhancement of forest maintenance in military compounds
The Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic met today with the Acting Director of the state enterprise “Serbia Forests” Predrag Aleksic and the Director of the state enterprise “Vojvodina Forests” Marta Takac and talked with them about the way of improving maintenance of the forests located in the military compounds.
According to Minister Djordjevic, who initiated the meeting today, the main goal of the Ministry of Defence is that professional soldiers are mainly dedicated to their primary duties – training and professional development, and that duties related to forest maintenance such as sanitary logging or afforestation are left to the experts in this field.
“The interest of the Ministry of Defence is ready, competent and equipped Armed Forces and that is our priority. On the other hand, we would like forests we use to be maintained in the best possible way, which means that this issue should be dealt with by experts. The maintenance of forest compounds is the state interest, as well, and important for all our citizens”, the Defence Minister said.
Representatives of the state enterprises “Serbia Forests” and “Vojvodina Forests” emphasized their readiness for collaboration, which would be mutually beneficial.
In the following period they will together with representatives of the Ministry of Defence analyse the condition of forests in the military compounds and suggest measures for the improvement of the state. Moreover, they stressed that it was necessary to define the legal framework for the implementation of cooperation meaning mutual rights and obligations.
The Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces are users of around 8,000 hectares of forest compounds at the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Forests are present in barracks, military self-revenue institutions and at military ranges.