Seminar on Regional Military Cooperation and Security Challenges
Department for Public Relations of the Ministry of Defence supported by the Embassy of the United Kingdom organised in Zrenjanin a seminar on regional military cooperation and security challenges that gathered representatives of printed and electronic media, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs.
Opening the gathering, the Head of Department for Public Relations, Navy Captain Petar Bošković reminded that the gathering, that had already become traditional, was the fourth in the row and proved to be an example of a good practice aimed at cherishing two-way communication.
-Every year, we carefully select the focal topics of the seminar, taking into consideration the requests of reporters sent to the Department for Public Relations. This time, we have opted for regional cooperation and current security challenges, arms and equipment, and voluntary military service – Navy Capatin Bošković stressed, adding that the Ministry of Defence tries to be transparent, and that it is one of the rare ministries that pay particular attention to a proactive appearance on social networks.
During the introductory panel, gathered representatives of media listened about the international military cooperation perceived from the viewpoint of our partners. They were addressed by the Head of NATO Military Liaison Office in our country, Brigadier General Cesare Marinelli, Defence Attaché of the United Kingdom, Colonel Simon Fitzgibbon, and Defence Attaché of Norway Colonel Tore Anderson.
The second panel was dedicated to the significance of regional cooperation in the field of security and defence, and that topic was covered by Ambassador Branimir Filipović, Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security Policy, Colonel Nebojša Svjetlica, Head of Division for Multilateral Cooperation in Department for International Military Cooperation of DPS MoD, Colonel Mirjana Milenković, Head of Section for International Military Cooperation and Protocol of the Private Office of the Chief of General Staff of SAF, and Milan Milutinović, Head of the Group for the European Integration in the Directorate for the European Integration and Project Management in DPS MoD.
The media representatives took particular interest in the third panel dedicated to the challenges of the migrant crisis, and the key speakers on this topic were Colonel Milorad Vidaković, Head of Division for Operations Planning in Operations Department J-3 GS SAF, Adviser in the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, Milenko Nikić, Head of the Regional Border Police Centre for the Sector towards the Republic of Bulgaria, Colonel Nenad Vučić, as well as Defence Attaché of Austria, Colonel Thomas Ahammer.
In the closing part of the first day of the seminar, the Head of Department for Defence Technologies, Major General Bojan Zrnić talked about equipping and modernisation of the Serbian Armed Forces.
On the second day of the seminar, there was a panel dedicated to international and regional military exercises. The speakers addressing this issue were Colonel Branko Mišić, Head of Division for Bilateral Cooperation in Department for International Military Cooperation of DPS MoD and Navy Captain Ljubiša Marković, Head of the Section for Exercises of the Department for Training and Doctrine J-7 of GS SAF.
The panel which marked the closing part of the seminar related to the duration of military service and military obligation, and the representatives of media were informed about this subject by Lieutenant Colonel Darko Kovačević from Human Resources Department J-1 of GS SAF, Lieutenant Colonel Milan Petrović Head of Group for Military Obligation of Department for Defence Obligation in HRS MoD and Major Zoran Filipović from Department for Defence Obligation in HRS in the Ministry of Defence.

