Cooperation of the Ministry of Defence and the OSCE Mission in Serbia
The Minister of Defence, Zoran Đorđević met today with the new Head of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, Ambassador Andrea Oricio with whom he talked about the current cooperation and the plans for the following year.
The Ministry of Defence cooperates with the OSCE Mission in Serbia primarily through the projects “Democratisation of security sector in Serbia”, Capacity Development Programme for Conventional Ammunition Stockpile Management (CASM) and implementation of the National Action Plans for the implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security.
Discussing OSCE military-political dimension of security, Minister Đorđević said that the Republic of Serbia carries out all the OSCE measures, and that it pays special attention to building confidence and security measures, and to the implementation of the Code of Conduct in military-political aspects of security within defence system reform.
Đorđević noted that the preparations were in progress for the adoption of the new National Action Plan for the implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security which was to be implemented from 2016 until 2020.
- By adopting the said document, our country reconfirms its commitment to appreciating the significance of equal participation of both men and women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and promotion of a culture of lasting and sustainable peace, aimed at achieving standards of gender equality – Minister Đorđević pointed out.
Ambassador Oricio expressed his belief that the established close partnership between the OSCE Mission and Serbia could continue providing a considerable contribution to achieving the state goals of the reform. Oricio reiterated the readiness of the OSCE Mission to continue successful cooperation with all Serbian institutions, including the Ministry of Defence, in order to contribute to further reforms of defence sector in general terms, which is an important element of the modernisation of the country and progress directed towards achieving our strategic goals. The OSCE Mission also provides its support to activities pertaining to the implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1325 and promotion of high standards in the field of democratic control of defence system.
At the end of the meeting, Minister Đorđević said that the Ministry of Defence, as it had been the case up to that moment, would provide maximum support regarding the requirements of the Serbia’s chairing over the OSCE Forum for security cooperation from September until the end of 2017.

