Captain Darko Kostić Was Buried
Today, the mortal remains of thirty seven years old Captain of the Serbian Armed Forces Darko Kostić were buried with a religious service and all military honours. Captain Kostić was one of the four workers of the TOF Kragujevac who lost their lives in the explosion that occurred in that Facility on the 28th February.

The burial service was attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Nenad Nerić, Head of Department for Defence Technologies, Major General Bojan Zrnić, Head of Logistics Department in the General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Želјko Ninković, Director of the Technical Overhaul Facility in Kragujevac, Lieutenant Colonel Dušan Kovarbašić, members of the 4th Army Brigade, family, relatives, numerous colleagues and friends.
Parting from the young colleague, the Director of the TOF, Lieutenant Colonel Dušan Kovarbašić said that the young Capatin possessed the virtues of being modest and leading by example. Although a highly educated officer, he never hesitated, when situation required it, to grab an ammunition case with other workers, added the Lieutenant Colonel. This was why he was loved and accepted as one of them.

- Sadly, faith wrote another black page and put your name on it. It is a testimony of how you did not hesitate for a moment when the blazing fire threatened the Facility by the greatest challenges and this testimony will remain written forever on those pages. You were with firemen, one of the most active in the attempts to put out the fire, perfectly aware of all the dangers you were exposing yourself to –said Colonel Kovarbašić and underlined that Darko would be a moral role model to them and the generations to come to that collective and that his name would last forever.
Since September 2014, Captain Darko Kostić was posted as Head of Division for Technical Maintenance of Explosive Ordnance in the Sector for General Overhaul and Maintenance of Explosive Ordnance. Recently, he successfully completed Command and Staff Course at the Military Academy and was about to be promoted to the rank of major.

He was in military service since 2003, when he graduated from the Military Academy in Belgrade, Department of Army Technical Service. During his military career he discharged several duties and was rewarded. He was married to his wife Marina and had a daughter Tara.