Minister Đorđević at the Conference “Environmental Protection and Women in Serbia”
The Minister of Defence, Zoran Đorđević spoke today at the first national conference “Environmental Protection and Women in Serbia” in the framework of a segment dedicated to security and environment from the aspect of gender.
The Minister expressed his satisfaction for being invited to talk at this gathering, having in mind that until recently he had been the President of the Political Council in the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Implementation of the National Action Plan “Women, Peace and Security” for the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325.
-The topic of security and protection of environment that we are talking about today is rather demanding and at the same time challenging because there are almost no scientific and expert works published on this topic, both in the country and abroad. An yet, this, by all means, does not reduce its significance since the segment of environmental security is very important at the level of consideration of the problem of global, regional and national security as well – stressed Minister Đorđević.
He noted that the issues of global warming, climatic changes, pollution and preservation of environment, soil erosion, floods, famine, or food production, particularly the production of healthy and genetically unmodified food take up ever more room in our lives searching for adequate responses and solutions from line ministries.
According to his words, the contribution that man and woman give to the preservation of healthy environment and production of healthy food is not equal and not equally visible.
- Both world and national statistics show that it is precisely the women who are the most often engaged in agriculture and food production for their households, as well as in the preparation of meals for the members of their families which makes them highly interested in all forms of education regarding food and water safety, and in the involvement in decision making on the issues significant for wider community and for efficient implementation of gender equality policy – pointed out the Minister of Defence adding that it was precisely why it was necessary to provide greater representation at all the levels of decision making on the issues of environmental safety, particularly at the local level, in safety boards, which is one of the activities encompassed by the new Action Plan for the implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1325.
The President of the National Assembly opened today’s Conference and stated that the link between a sustainable development and gender equality was important for the overall social development.
Gathered around the subject that promotes right to healthy environment and gender equality, at a Conference organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection the speakers at the Conference will be representatives of the National Assembly, Government, diplomatic corps, scientific and other institutions.