After an intensive search for the persons missing after the explosion in the Technical Overhaul Facility in Kragujevac, which, having in mind extremely complex conditions, required using all available human resources and technical capacities, the mortal remains of Captain Darko Kostić and civilians Dejan Kovačević and Željko Nikolić were found.
In accordance with the order of the attorney in charge, the identification of the mortal remains is in progress.
The investigation into the causes and consequences of the accident is led by the Senior District Attorney in Kragujevac, Jasmina Stojadinović.
The Commission for examining the circumstances of the emergency, set up by the Minister of Defence Zoran Đorđević started its work yesterday, while today, the extraordinary inspection of the Technical Overhaul Facility has been initiated which is being conducted by the Defence Inspectorate pursuant to the order of the Minister.
The Minister of Defence Zoran Đorđević and the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Ljubiša Diković have extended condolences to the families of the victims.

