Marking the Day of the Military Medical Academy
Today, 173rd anniversary of the existence of the Military Medical Academy was marked in the Central Military Club of the Serbian Armed Forces. The event of observing this significant date in the history of Serbian medical service was not festive since it took place in the shadow of the tragedy that occurred in TOF Kragujevac and the death of Lieutenant Colonel Miroslav Perišić. The Acting Head of the MMA, Colonel Miroslav Vukosavljević Dr reminded the present about the tragedy in his speech saying that the institution was doing everything for the swift recovery of the injured so that they could return to their homes.

The attendance at the event included members of the Private Office of the President of the Republic of Serbia, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, Nenad Nerić, representatives of the Ministry of Health, of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Serbian Patriarch Irinej, generals, officers, professors and the employees of the MMA.
State Secretary Nerić pointed out that the MMA is an institution whose significance is immeasurable both in defence system and the system of health of the Republic of Serbia as a whole. As he said, that was an institution that in the previous period worked in full capacity and fulfilled professionally and honourably all the tasks with one goal – to care about the health of all the citizens of Serbia.

- In the period ahead, you will be faced with a reorganisation of the military health. Modernisation and investing in modern diagnostics are among the most important tasks of the Ministry of Defence. I assure you that you will have full support, just as it has been the case so far, in all the segments so that you could maintain the highest level of health protection – underscored the State Secretary. The Acting Head of the MMA, Colonel Miroslav Vukosavljević Dr also stressed the significance of the MMA at national and international levels stating;
- We have to work continuously in the present thus building the future by permanent self-advancement, improvement of diagnostics and treatment, in order to ensure the best possible quality of health care for our citizens. We must not fear the changes in order to arrive at expected level of quality. We have to bravely tackle reality and, in times that require self-denial, loyalty and hard work, raise the quality of medical service and ethics at the highest level possible.
Colonel Vukosavljević Dr took the opportunity to present certain data on the work of the MMA in the previous year and stressed that more than 400 000 examinations had been conducted of both military insured and patients with civilian insurance, and that more than 28000 patients had been hospitalised.
Vukosavljević noted that in the future work, medical, educational and scientific-research aspects will remain equally important since they make the three pillars that make the MMA unique in the country and beyond.

Just like every year on the MMA Day, the best organisational unit of the previous year was proclaimed. This time it was Hematology Clinic. The Head of the Clinic, Prof Dragana Stamatović received the plaque for the best clinic of the MMA from the State Secretary Nenad Nerić.
A medal “Dr Vladan Đorđević” was awarded to retired Colonel Borislav Stijelja Prof. The most prolific author of the year for the magazine “Military Medical Review” was Dr Branka Roganović while the reviewer of the year was Colonel Slobodan Obradović Dr.

