The Continuation of Search for the Missing Workers after the Explosion in the Technical Overhaul Facility in Kragujevac
On the second day after the disaster in the TOF Kragujevac, when in the explosion one person died, three persons were unaccounted for and 25 were injured, Colonel Mihajlo Zogović from Public Relations Department and Dr Predrag Sazdanović, Director of the Clinical Centre in Kragujevac gave their statements in the Clinical Centre. General Major Bojan Zrnić, Head of Department for Defence Technologies and Colonel Dušan Kovarbašić, Director of the Technical Overhaul Facility in Kragujevac were also present during the press release.
- I can confirm that, unfortunately, we have not managed to establish communication at any point with the three persons that are unaccounted for, nor we have any material evidence about them – said Colonel Zogović.
He explained that the competent services of the TOF had completed an evaluation according to which the possibility for the occurrence of subsequent explosions was almost minimal which enabled the members of the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior to continue the search of terrain more intensively in order to find the missing.