The Conference of Defence Attachés
The Chief of General Staff, General Ljubiša Diković, addressed today Defence Attachés of the Republic of Serbia gathered at the seventh Conference of Defence Attachés and spoke on that occasion about the most significant activities of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2016 and about the plans for the period to come.
According to General Diković, the goal of the Conference was, among other, to analyse the work of the Defence Attachés of the Republic of Serbia, assign the guidelines and tasks for the period ahead of us, all being aimed at strengthening capabilities of our system and strengthening the position of Serbia in international relations of today’s world.
- It is certain that we here, and many before us, take equal credit for such a relation of the citizens towards our institution. It has been carefully built for decades, but something that was built can easily be torn down. The same applies to diplomacy, especially modern diplomacy which is fundamentally different in relation to diplomacy fifty or more years ago. Such level of confidence requires a huge number of obligations and even greater effort of all the members of the Armed Forces to maintain such state - said the Chief of General Staff, General Ljubiša Diković.
During today’s address, General Diković, also looked back on the state of affairs in the Serbian Armed Forces with the perspectives for development, international military cooperation and peacekeeping operations to which the members of the Serbian Armed Forces are deployed.


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