Official Celebration on the Occasion of 100th Anniversary of Toplica Uprising
Last evening, an official celebration was held in the Cultural Centre in Prokuplje, in the framework of marking 100th anniversary of Toplica Uprising outbreak. The celebration was attended by Army Commander, Ltc Gen Milosav Simović, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, local government, diplomatic corps, religious communities and numerous citizens of Prokuplje.
Speaking about the significance of this jubilee, the President of the municipality, Mr Aleksandar Simonović emphasised that 100th anniversary was being observed in a number of events all over Toplica and Jablanica district.
- Recalling these events, we are yet again inspired by the pride in the heroism and bravery of our ancestors who demonstrated then their patriotism and freedom-loving nature and as the members of a small nation they were recorded in the history among everlasting sufferers in their struggle for a more righteous and better world – said Mayor Simonović.
According to his words, remembering their selfless sacrifice, we confirm our loyalty to the eternal freedom-loving idea of the Serbian people, just like we confirm that the citizens of Serbia do not forget their glorious past.
The cultural and artistic programme of the Official celebration dedicated to observing 100th anniversary of Toplica Uprising outbreak was enriched by the performance of the Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence “Stanisalv Binički”.
The uprising that spread over Toplica and Jablanica in the end of February and beginning of March 1917, and spilled over into other parts of the territory under Bulgarian occupation, makes an integral part of fight of the Serbian people for liberation in the First World War. The uprising naturally followed from the resistance initiated in Serbia starting from the moment when the Serbian Army withdrew over Albania and it lasted almost until the Army returned to the fatherland.

