Holidays of the University of Defence and the Defence Inspectorate marked
In the House of Guards in Topčider, the Day of the University of Defence and the Day of the Defence Inspectorate have been marked today. The joint ceremony was attended by Milorad Simić, Advisor to the President of the Republic, Zoran Đorđević, Minister of Defence, and General Ljubiša Diković, Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff, with members of the collegiums, foreign military representatives, representatives of scientific institutions, religious communities and many guests.
Congratulating on the holiday to members of the University of Defence and the Defence Inspectorate, Minister Đorđević said that these are two extremely important institutions of the Ministry of Defence.
- Today, 978 cadets, officers and military personnel, 250 persons from among citizenship and 81 members of foreign armed forces are attending education and development courses at the University of Defence. The capacity of the University of Defence provides an opportunity for increasing the number of students from foreign armed forces and civilian students at all levels of education and training, on which we will all work together - Minister Đorđević said noting that the work of this military higher education institution is based on a skilful combination between traditionally good military organization of work and guaranteed academic freedoms.
Recalling the important dates in the history of the Defence Inspectorate, the defence minister stressed that this institution is today an efficient administrative body within the Ministry of Defence, which performs its tasks professionally and with expertise.
- Last year, 122 inspections were conducted, but, as defence minister and someone who considers control a very important segment in the management of such a large system, I will endeavour to increase their number and make them more complex - Minister of Defence said pointing out that this is the only way they can provide command and control authorities with all the unbiased information about the situation in the defence system, with a view to more efficient operation of the entire system.
According to Major General Prof. Mladen Vuruna, the Rector of the University of Defence, it has been for the past 167 years that command, armaments, strategy and tactics have been studied in the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as other sciences that are important for the employment and development of the army. Knowledge and skills acquired in the military educational institutions in Serbia were checked in the wars that racked our country in the past two centuries and through which the Serbian state and its army were created.
- Our goal is to train students and cadets for the execution of the tasks arising from the assigned missions, to teach them how to create and execute new tasks and missions and how to cope with uncertain social, administrative, technological and political environment, which will give birth to some future world - General Vuruna pointed out.
Director of the Defence Inspectorate, Major General Goran Radovanović, pointed out that the realization of the tasks of the Defence Inspectorate is based on preventive action and assisting the supervised entities, but also imposing measures to ensure lawful operation aimed at improving the situation in different areas.
- In the year behind us, the Defence Inspectorate, as a state administration body in the Ministry of Defence and all its members, implemented promptly and fully all its ordinary and extraordinary tasks in accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic, the orders of the Minister of Defence, on the basis of laws and by-laws - General Radovanović said, adding that, guided by expertise and high professionalism, members of the Defence Inspectorate remained committed to the primary purpose of the execution of inspection activities on the principles of legality, independence and authenticity.
On the occasion of the holidays, the Rector of the University of Defence and the Director of the Defence Inspectorate conferred plaques to the Minister of Defence and, on the same occasion, the appreciation letters were awarded to the University of Niš, to the retired members, as well as to the most successful cadets of the Military Academy.
The University of Defence, established on 24th February 2011, is an independent higher education establishment that performs the activities of higher education through academic studies of the first, second and third degree in several scientific areas within the educational and scientific fields of humanities, technological and medical sciences.
The Defence Inspectorate continues the tradition of inspecting authorities established in the Kingdom of Serbia, and this year it is for the second time that it marks its day, commemorating the year 1911 when the Main Inspection of the entire army was established by the decree of King Petar Karađorđević.