Visit of representatives of the French Institute for Higher National Defence Studies
Defence Minister Zoran Đorđevic has received representatives of the Institute for Higher National Defence Studies of the Republic of France in the Great War Hall of the Old General Staff building, today, as part of their visit to the region. The reception was attended by the French Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia, Christine Moro.
Addressing the guests, Minister Đorđević pointed out that the Ministry of Defence offered considerable support to the Government in achieving the foreign policy goals of the Republic of Serbia, improving relations and defence cooperation with all countries and international organisations, in accordance with the defined national interests. Expressing his satisfaction with the achieved level of defence cooperation with the Republic of France, minister underlined a significant enhancement of the strategic partnership between the two countries.
Mr Đorđević has also stated to the representatives of the Institute for Higher National Defence Studies the firm commitment of the Ministry of Defence to development and promotion of the regional cooperation, given the fact that the regional stability and cooperation represent basic preconditions for the overall progress of the region. He introduced them also to the level of the defence reform as one of the fundamental strategic orientations of the Republic of Serbia in the process of its integration into political, economic and security developments of the European Union and the modern world. The Minister informed them about the activities of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in the European integration process, cooperation within the Partnership for Peace Programme, as well as current and future engagement of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in multinational operations.
- Recognising the migrant crisis as one of the biggest global challenges, the Republic of Serbia is committed to closer cooperation with neighbouring countries, especially in securing the borders. The migrant crisis is a particularly sensitive issue for the management of the Balkan countries, Minister Đorđević said among other things, stressing the security, social, humanitarian and financial aspects of that challenge.
The Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Defence attach great importance to strengthening the defence industry, which will have a positive impact on the state of operational and functional capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, as the main defence forces. The Minister emphasized his satisfaction with the improvement of our own defence industry capacity and significantly higher exports than in the previous years.
During the visit to the defence system, representatives of the French Institute for Higher National Defence Studies visited the 250th Missile Brigade of the Air Force and Air Defence and the Peacekeeping Operations Centre of the Serbian Armed Forces.


Minister Djordjevic