Visiting Injured Members of the Serbian Armed Forces
On behalf of the Minister of Defence, Colonel Mihailo Zogović visited today the members of Serbian Forces injured in this morning’s traffic accident, who have been hospitalised in the Military Hospital and in the Clinical Centre in Niš.
Deputy Head of the Public Relations Department conveyed the greetings of the Minister Đorđević, who wished them quick recovery and sent the word about his intention to visit them in person shortly.
Talking to the injured members of 4th Army Brigade, Colonel Zogović offered any assistance, on behalf of the Minister, for which they thanked him and assured him that the medical facilities in Niš provided all the care required.
Colonel Zogović said that it was encouraging that out of 14 hospitalised members of the Serbian Armed Forces, eight were sent home after having been provided medical assistance.
- The Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces take care of their members, and this morning, immediately upon learning about the accident, all the measures have been taken in order to provide necessary assistance and to provide medical care for the injured, said Deputy Head of the Public Relations Department.
Colonel Jovica Stanojković Dr, Acting Head of the Military Hospital confirmed that four members of the Serbian Armed Forces were kept that day on Surgery Ward of that medical establishment, and that their medical condition at that moment was stable and satisfactory.
- The first aid and primary processing of the injured was provided in the Medical Centre in Vranje, after which the four were transferred to our establishment while two members were kept in the Clinical Centre. One of them has suffered more serious bodily injuries which was why he was received in the Neurosurgery Ward, while the other suffered a thoracic injury so he was hospitalised at the Thoracic Surgery Ward – said Colonel Stanojković and he expressed hope that all of them would recover successfully soon.
Earlier during the day, the injured members of the Serbian Armed Forces were visited by Army Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Milosav Simović and the Commander of 4th Army Brigade, Colonel Slobodan Stopa.
This morning, a shuttle bus with the members of 4th Army Brigade driving them from Niš to Vranje, skidded off the road near Vladičin Han, for the reasons which are, for the time being, unknown.
The vehicle is the property of Kavim-Jedinstvo Company from Vranje, whose services are used by the members of 4th Army Brigade for the purpose of daily transportation to their work place on the line Niš-Kraljevo-Niš.