The Minister of Defence at the Premiere of the Film “Toplica Uprising”
The Minister of Defence, Mr Zoran Đorđević together with the members of his Board, attended today the premiere of the film “Toplica Uprising”, produced by Military Film Centre “Zastava Film”. The premiere took place on the premises of that Centre.
The scenario for the film, made on the occasion of hundredth anniversary of “Toplica Uprising”, was written by Milivoje Pajović PhD, and directed by Dragana Milošević, while the patrons of the project were the President of the Republic of Serbia and the Government Board for Cherishing the Tradition of Liberation Wars.
The Director of “Zastava Film”, Lieutenant Colonel Goran Ikonić said that the idea for the film appeared a month and a half ago.
- We had the first script only twenty days ago, and today, we have the film, but in between there was a lot of exhausting work, sleepless nights and searching, said Colonel Ikonić and added that it were only a great desire, will and knowledge that could make up for the modest budget and restricted resources available.
The Director of the Military Film Centre conferred a plaque of the “Zastava Film” to the Minister of Defence, Zoran Đorđević on behalf of his personnel as a sign of gratitude for the rendered support.

