Meeting of the Minister of Defence with the Russian Ambassador
The Minister of Defence, Mr Zoran Đorđević, talked today with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Mr Alexander Chepurin.
Mutual satisfaction was expressed in terms of the achieved level of defence cooperation, which is defined by a strategic partnership and excellent overall and political relations of the two friendly countries.
It was stated that in the previous period, functional and operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces had been strengthened through realisation of joint activities in the framework of bilateral defence cooperation, and that mutually acceptable forms of cooperation would continue to be developed and become more intensive in the period to come. Furthermore, the modalities were considered for the future enhancement of the military technical cooperation through the implementation of joint projects in the said field.
Moreover, other issues were discussed which are important for the development of the cooperation, with mutual agreement that the achieved level of relations should be maintained in the forthcoming period, and if possible, even enhanced in all the areas of common interest.

