Expert talks with representatives of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria held
Representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces held expert talks with representatives of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports (FMDS) of the Republic of Austria on possible grants under the auspices of the SMDS Austria, for the needs of the Serbian Armed Forces regarding its engagement during the migrant crisis.
The meeting was attended by Nenad Nerić, State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, Gustav Gustenau, Deputy Director of the Directorate for Security Policy of the Austrian FMDS, Brigadier General Ilija Todorov, Colonel Katarina Štrbac and Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Ahammer, Austrian Defence Attaché in Belgrade.
Expert talks were opened by State Secretary Nenad Nerić who pointed out that the current migrant crisis represents a major challenge for a stable and prosperous Balkans, whereas it was stated that Austria provides great contribution aimed at ensuring lasting stability in our region. He noted that Serbia, as a candidate country and a responsible member of the international community, although not a member of the European Union, seeks to provide an adequate response to the current migrant crisis.
- The Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces with their capacities tend to be part of the solution within the European framework, as the migrant crisis is the most important issue that the European Union is currently facing and requires solving without delay, State Secretary Nenad Nerić pointed out.
During the meeting, they stressed the importance of maintaining the continuity of mutual high-level dialogue, in order to promote and intensify future cooperation between the two sides. In addition, they exchanged views on potential donations from the Republic of Austria, which directly contribute to increasing the functional and operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as the modalities of their implementation during 2017.
In the end, the participants in the meeting agreed that what is necessary is joint action in the field of migrant crisis.