Ministers meet over ceding military facilities for higher education
Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic met today with the Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government, Ana Brnabić, and Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Mladen Šarčević, to reach agreement on ceding of some military facilities for the development of IT sector and scientific-technological development. It is about the ‘Filip Kljajić’ barracks in Niš, ‘Archibald Reiss’ barracks in Novi Sad and the Military Club in Kragujevac. These objects are planned to be provided for the purpose of universities in those cities, in order to respond to the increased needs of the faculties for students with IT majors, which is in line with the Action Plan of the Government for the development of the IT sector. Parcelling of property in these locations has also been planned.
These facilities are included in the Master Plan and protected by law, which has so far hampered their sales, primarily due to high prices and impossibility of division of assets. Providing them for the purpose of universities will receive a double benefit – a space for the development of IT sector and smooth and easier sales of the surrounding land where these facilities are located, and which investors are very much interested in.

