Strategic Research Institute and Military Archive’s Day Celebrated
The Strategic Research Institute and Military Archive’s Day, 5th February, has been ceremonially marked today at Banjica 2 Barracks in Belgrade.
Congratulating the Day to the personnel of these two institutions, State Secretary Nenad Nerić has highlighted that that the advancement of scientific and research activity is the backbone of sustainable development and progress, and represents an indispensable element in careful deliberation of the state policy of the modern era.
– By conducting researches in the areas of military organisation, management, organisational sciences, education, military psychology and history, as well as archive administration activities for the preservation of historical materials, the Strategic Research Institute leaves its imprint on the strengthening of defence capabilities of the Republic of Serbia – says Mr Nerić adding that multi-faceted and fruitful cooperation with both national and foreign partners would make not only the Strategic Research Institute but the entire defence system as well a respectable partner on the international scene.
Mr Nerić has reminded the audience that the vision of scientific and research activity in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces rests on important principles that are set forth in strategic documents underlining the recognition of science as a strategic value crucial for the defence system development, researchers’ responsibility for reaching and maintaining the standards, and keeping abreast of and implementing modern methods, as well as the development and enhancement of scientific and research cooperation with academic institutions in country and abroad. .
Speaking of the most significant achievements in the previous period, Director of the Strategic Research Institute Dr Jovanka Šaranović has touched on a series of significant inter-disciplinary projects that are either completed or still in progress such as “Asymmetric Threats to Security”, “Active Reserve” and “Gender Perspective in Military Profession”.
– In the years behind us, together with our associates, we organised four very well-attended and as generally assessed successful conferences, with high officials and competent guests, followed by publishing the proceedings of scientific papers. It is also important to mention a series of individual editions of the work of our researchers and analyses for the decision-making purposes in the system, says Dr Jovanka Šaranović adding that among the most important moments to follow we should include the ongoing organisational changes that will result in incorporating the Institute in the University of Defence, and in addition, all the preparatory activities for the pending accreditation process.
The Director of the Strategic Research Institute has spoken of the most significant achievements of the Military Archive that last year marked 140th anniversary since its inception, and on the said occasion, inter alia, mentioned a series of partner projects and the resumption of work of the digital reading-room also adding that 250 thousand names have been entered so far under the project to register military casualties of the First World War.
On the occasion of celebrating the Day of the Strategic Research Institute and Military Archive, Dr Jovanka Šaranović and Assistant Director of the Military Archive LtC Duško Milojević have presented letters of appreciation for successful cooperation to research fellow Dr Jasminka Simić and representatives of the Institute of International Politics and Economics, the Historical Archives of Požarevac and the Inter-Municipal Historical Archives of Čačak.
The ceremony has been also attended by the Head of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Planning and Development Department MG Dušan Stojanović, BG Predrag Bandić, CAPT (N) Milan Konjikovac, as well as by colleagues, friends and academia representatives.

