The book “Political offences - assassination and rebellion” presented
The new edition of the Media Centre Odbrana, the book “Political offences - assassination and rebellion” by Dr Goran Matic has been presented today in the Atrium of the Central Military Club.
It is a heterogeneous material of the criminal law related to different time periods of the Serbian statehood and dynasty, as well as forms of government, which has been completed by the author’s professional and theoretical focus on the issues of criminal-legal protection of the constitutional order and security of the Republic of Serbia, which he dedicated a great number of years of practice.
Talking about the book, the Director of the Media Centre Odbrana Colonel Stevica Karapandzin emphasized that this monograph is significant because it enables us to view the historical context of all important events and processes which preceded assassination and rebellion and are related to the formal responses of the state to them.
“This topic is important to us, soldiers, primarily officers, due to the oath and the Code of Honour, which in the moral sense additionally obliges us and holds us in a certain covenant relationship with the state. We have witnessed for more than 100 years how harmful each gap in badly needed and for the state important monolith of the officers’ corps could be”, Colonel Karapandzin stressed, adding that this book shows the value of the state, the aspect that this military publishing centre is specially proud of.
The book reviewer, Prof Dr Milan Milosevic stressed that this was exactly the right moment for publishing this book because several decades ago no one had dealt with the issues of violent political criminality.
“The author of the book has made an effort to fill in that gap, to view it in the present by analyzing the past and enabling all of us to see the future, as well. The monograph tries to make a historical review of the political offences in the Serbian legislation and their effect on contemporary criminal legislation of our country. The pith of this book is the origin and evolution of these criminal acts from the legislative aspect and it is comprehensively dealt with”, Dr Milosevic emphasized, adding that readers would have a chance to view historical, legal and to great extent positive legal aspects of this topic concentrated at one place.
Expressing gratitude to the Media Centre Odbrana for the recognition of the monograph significance, the author Dr Goran Matic stressed that the book presented today is his first scientific work, which he dedicated almost a decade of scientific and research work and writing.
“The book contains some parts of the history, which have been forgotten due to different historical and ideological periods in Serbia”, Dr Matic emphasized adding that the Serbian state during two centuries of its existence had always been at the crossroads of political events and lack of ways, and what is characteristic for Serbia is that it has always had its way of the statehood, specific institutions, searching for its position in the European family.
According to the Head of publishing activities of the Media Centre Odbrana and the Editor of the edition Dragana Markovic, the legal material with strong elements of historiography is in front of readers. Presenting the author, she emphasized that Dr Goran Matic has been performing the function of the Director of the Office of the Council for National Security and Protection of Classified Information in the Serbian Government since 2009, whereas in 2013 he has been elected the scientific associate at the Institute of Comparative Law. Since 2015 Dr Matic has given lectures at Union Nikola Tesla University.