Medical examinations for military pensioners in Smederevska Palanka
The action of free medical examinations for the military pensioners has been taken in Smederevska Palanka Health Centre since December 2016.
The Director of Smederevska Palanka Health Centre Dr Ivana Djurdjevic Starovic had this idea and met with great support of the local authorities.
“At the meeting attended by the representatives of the local authorities, Smederevska Palanka Health Centre and Association of the military pensioners of Smederevska Palanka, one of the topics was how much we take care of the elderly citizens including the military pensioners, as well. The suggestion is that they conduct examination by general practitioner, internist, ophthalmologist and otorhinolaryngologist per day. Of course, if some more serious health problem would be detected or necessity to carry out medical examination by other specialists, our action would not stop, and patients would be directed to conduct further examinations”, Dr Djurdjevic Starovic said.
The first examinations were scheduled for 28th December 2016, the subsequent one for 25th January 2017, and the following one is scheduled for 18th February 2017. The idea is to enable the military pensioners to have free medical examinations once a month at the point where specialist services, laboratory and chosen doctors are located.
“There are no similar actions in other municipalities and towns in Serbia. We should somehow acknowledge our debt to the military pensioners, they deserve so. The care does not cost and such examination can be conducted to general contentment. We should point out to the elderly that we take care of them and their health”, the Director of Smederevska Palanka Health Centre said.
One of the engaged doctors, Dr Tanja Rakonjac, emphasizes that the response of the military pensioners is good and the appointments are made every 15 minutes, so that no one waits too long.
“When the weather is nicer the response will be greater for sure. It is the prevention and here they have a complete service including laboratory examinations besides medical ones, if necessary. The military pensioners are complacent because it is done for their health, and we are going to prevent diseases which occur in their lifetime, pensioner period”, Dr Rakonjac said.
The military pensioner Zivan Milovic has only the words of praise for the action of the organized medical examinations.
“I am glad that the action was taken by young people who have recognized the problem of the military pensioners used to regular medical examinations while they were in active service. However, the contact is lost by retirement and the great part of the military pensioners does not sufficiently take care of their health condition.
“Dr Djurdjevic Starovic has excellently recognized that and offered help, as well as the Commander of Smederevska Palanka garrison until recently Major Marko Katanic, who has also given huge support to the action. The mistake is that we think our descendants turn a deft ear to us, which is not the case. The old man needs small care, and here we get great care”, Malovic stressed.
Around 240 military pensioners live in Smederevska Palanka. Thirty of them conducted medical examinations in December 2016, in January 2017 less due to severe weather conditions, and in the following period we expect a larger number of patients because there is great interest among them for the action of free medical examinations.