Exhibition “Field Marshal Petar Bojovic – a symbol of glory and honour” in a guest visit to Kraljevo
The exhibition “Field Marshal Petar Bojovic – a symbol of glory and honour” has been opened in the Military Club in Kraljevo in the presence of numerous guests. The exhibition, which has a great historic and cultural value for Serbia, has been organized by the Media Centre Odbrana, the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic of Serbia and the National Museum of Cacak.

The citizens of Kraljevo will have a chance to see the collection of 25 national and 16 international decorations of Field Marshal Bojovic, which Kosta Rakic preserved for 56 years and has recently given to the behest of Serbian people and to Serbian President for permanent preservation. The collection includes national and international decorations given to Petar Bojovic by almost all important European countries. There is the Order of Karadjordje’s Star with swords 1st degree from 1933, the French Order of Legion of all services, and Field Marshal’s sabre and uniform from the National Museum of Cacak. The author of the exhibition is Radivoje Bojovic, the curator of the National Museum of Cacak.
After the premiere opening in the Building of Serbian President, the exhibition has been in a guest visit to the Military Club in Belgrade, the National Museum of Kragujevac, the National Museum of Cacak and the Military Club in Nis.
The citizens of Kraljevo can see the exhibition until 25th January.