Defence Minister visits Complex Combat Systems in Velika Plana
Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic has visited today the Complex Combat Systems company in Velika Plana.
During his visit, the directors of “Yugoimport SDPR” and “Complex Combat Systems company” Jugoslav Petkovic and Ognjen Oliveric informed Minister Djordjevic about the current development and production programmes which include the production of “Nora” B-52 M15 self-propelled artillery system, “Lazar 3” 8x8 multipurpose armoured vehicle and the modernization of 4x4 armoured vehicles.
Mounting a turret for the prototype vehicle “Lazar 3”, which came yesterday from the Russian Federation is ongoing. A 30 mm cannon is installed on the turret, as well as 12.7 mm machine- gun and grenade launcher. Mounting and fixing is done by a three-member Russian team.
During the visit, the hosts particularly emphasized the achievements in the production of pipes for the artillery up to 155 mm calibre, tank cannons and mortars conducted according to the highest world standards in this field.
The representatives of the company presented to Minister Djordjevic the projects of futher development of “Lazar” armoured vehicles, a new 4x4 armoured vehicle, as well as the current status of “Nora” system development with the project of modernization of 105-155 mm towed artillery.
The plan of the company “Complex Combat Systems” in the following period is to continue to invest in the development and technological equipping of production capacities in order to increase production capacities in the field of artillery and armoured fighting vehicles.

