Promoted edition Field Marshals
Edition "Field Marshals" was presented by Milos Jankovic, director of Odbrana Media Centre Colonel Stevica Karapandžin, editor-in-chief Dragana Marković and historian Mile Bjelajac.
Milos Jankovic recalled the figure and work of Field Marshal Misic and emphasized that the book from Edition " Field Marshals" which bears his name speaks about Zivojin Misic as a person and the reader and presents it in that way.
Colonel Stevica Karapandžin spoke about the field marshals as four role models reflecting the ideals of our nation a century ago. He pointed out that today's officers at every stage of their careers can find role models among the characters of the great four.
Dragana Marković explained that the intention of the editorial was that the Edition is equipped with modern, completed with photographs, clothed in new clothes – according to the aesthetic criteria of the present time.
The artistic contents of the present promotion was completed by Jelena Radovanovic, dramatic soprano, a member of the opera ensemble of the National Theatre and Dejan Lazarevic, a poet.

