Regarding the allegations outlined in today's communication of the Military Trade Union, in order to fully inform the public, we wish to point to the fact that Nenad Nerić, State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, according to the criminal records of the competent Police Administration of the Serbian MUP, is registered as a person that has never been convicted. In support of that, the Police Department has issued a certificate number 235-1/208 of 5th February 2015.
It is true that Mr Nerić, as a designer of the local road in the municipality of Kraljevo in 1997, was found guilty by the verdict of the Municipal Court in Kraljevo, in 2007, and received a conditionally suspended sentence of six months, withholding execution of penalty under the condition that the defendant not commit any offence within one year. Once the year passes without incident, in 2009, the legal requirement has been acquired that Mr. Neric is discharged of the said conviction and since then he has not been registered in the criminal records.
Given that the Government of the Republic of Serbia appoints the fourth time Mr. Neric Secretary of State, on 18 August 2016, the relevant security service of the Ministry of Defence, at the request of authorized persons, carried out a full security check and gave consent to the issuance of the necessary security certificates for him to perform the position of a state secretary.