Military trade union without real support
After the protest of the Military Trade Union in Belgrade, Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic said he was proud of Serbian Armed Forces members for not joining the call of politically-motivated union leaders who had, at the protest, political statements, which are not in accordance with the trade union action. Only about 200 members of the army participated in the protest, and "I am concerned that the protest gathered also supporters of nationalist and extremist groups. More than 99 percent of soldiers did not come to protest because they know that the army is one with the people faithfully serving their country."
Thereby, Minister Djordjević pointed out that he maintains his positions and claims that there will be no reduction in wages or layoffs, and that as early as next year, all employees will have increased salaries by five percent. New rulebook on wages will apply from 1 January 2018.
The Ministry of Defence particularly indicates that yesterday's announcement of the Military Trade Union of Serbia, in which it outlined a series of unfounded and untrue allegations and accusations against the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, is certainly not a way of solving problems that the union initiates. Such stepping up reduces mutual trust and confidence that only joint forces can solve problems for strengthening the Serbian Armed Forces and better standard of its members.
We use this opportunity to point out once again that the country will protect the security of Serbia in the best way and continue modernization of the armed forces for the purpose of a secure and better future of all its citizens.