No reduction in wages or the number of employees
Regarding the request of the representative Military Trade Union for improving the material, social and employment situation of members of the Serbian Armed Forces we wish to point out again that the Ministry of Defence maintains its positions and claims that there will be no reduction in wages or layoffs of employees, and that as early as at the beginning of the next year, all employees will have increased salaries by five percent. It must be borne in mind that the planned salary increase reflects the current capacity of the state, and that the improvement of the material and social status of the military personnel remains a concern of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Defence.
At the previous meetings, all issues that the union raises were openly discussed, and the union representatives were introduced to the plans of the ministry in details. An agreement was reached that the new regulations on wages will apply from 1st January 2018.
At the Military Medical Academy, there will be neither reduction in the number of employees nor in the number of beds and the requirements relating to the health care of the professional members, the amount of co-payment and other issues, will be governed by the provisions of the law on Health Care which is under preparation.
The Ministry of Defence stresses that it remains open to discussions with representatives of the representative Military Trade Union of Serbia on all issues and problems aimed at improving the material and social status of military personnel. This includes the talks on the collective agreement, whose preparation and negotiations were proposed by the union representatives, as well as the business-technical agreement and facilitating the smooth functioning of the union, while respecting the legal provisions and considering the possibilities to meet the requirements.
Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic points out that the dialogue between the representatives of the trade union and the competent services of the Ministry of Defence is the best way to resolve all the issues and points out that ultimatums are not the way to talk and solve the problems. The Ministry of Defence will, as before, fulfil what was coordinated and agreed, because it works in the interests of all the employees in the defence system.
We would like to emphasize, on this occasion as well, that the state will protect the security of Serbia and its citizens in the best way by continued taking care of the material and social status of all members of the security forces. However, it will be in accordance with the realistic possibilities, without compromising vital functions and rights of other parts of the society, whose integral part the army is and whose fate and position it must share. That unity is the key to the overall defence force and the efficient use of armaments and equipment, whose modernization is also continuously invested to, to secure better future for Serbia and all its citizens.