Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Exhibition "Album of memories of our ancestors from the First World War" opens at the Military Museum

To commemorate the centenary of the First World War, last night, at the gallery of Military Museum, exhibition "Album of memories of our ancestors from the First World War" was opened, prepared by the Association of Descendants of Serbian Warriors from 1912 to 1920.
The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by Assistant Minister for Human Resources Milos Jankovic, HRH Crown Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and numerous visitors.
Assistant Minister for Human Resources Milos Jankovic opened the exhibition pointing out that the "Album of memories of our ancestors from the First World War" was a magnificent tribute to the shadows of our ancestors and the expression of efforts to prevent the famous warriors’ heroic past of the Serbian people ever to fall into oblivion.
- There is a known saying "Picture is a mute song." Hence it is not surprising that the choice of the most persuasive and moving testimonies of famous past of the glory crowned Serbian soldiers are exactly photographs. It is not only colourful and suggestive, but, above all, it is a documentary source of the first order, which serves a valid and plausible reconstruction of historical events and processes. There is a tendency of the recent historical science that the subject of study is increasingly turning to conditionally said "a little man". Instead of massive observations of battles and sterile and soulless factbook, realization of vivid picture of the fate of "a little man", is new and most of all humane approach to the presentation of our famous past. That is the extraordinary value of this exhibition, which, through remindful and binding votes of ancestors, says as a behest: Shadows protect us! - Said Jankovic.
President of the Association of Descendants of Serbian Warriors 1912-1920, Ljubomir Markovic said that fearless ranks of corporals and NCOs shouldered the burden of war skirmishes, and that therefore we must never forget the role of an ordinary soldier in the decisive and fateful moments of the war.
- We hope that this exhibition is not only to raise the interest of the glorious past of the Serbian people and its army, but also that this new knowledge would awaken in the younger generations a sense of superior and binding moral responsibility towards their homeland and its past, which represents the wide-open eyes to observation and creating a better future – Markovic said.
Photo exhibition of the "Album of memories of our ancestors from the First World War" project shows photos, war logs, military letters, postcards, plaques and other historiographical material of the participants in the First World War, as a unique testimony on war adventures and suffering of Serbian soldiers during the war years, repressed from the pages of the world history.
The exhibition, which will last until 12th December 2016, is accompanied by a documentary film "Resurrection of the heroes of the Great War", which visitors will have the opportunity to see during the exhibition.