Members of the Army marked today in Nis the Army Day and the Infantry Day, organising a series of events and socializing with citizens at several locations in the city.
On this occasion, the tactical display of arms and military equipment and demonstration of part of the capabilities were reviewed by Army Commander, Lieutenant General Milosav Simovic, and his associates, Mayor of Nis, Darko Bulatovic, presidents of Nis city municipalities, commanders of brigades and independent battalions of the Army, representatives of military pensioners, organizations for reserve officers, associations of liberation wars and several thousand citizens.
Speaking about the importance of marking the holiday, Army Commander, General Simovic, pointed out that he was very proud of the members of the Army and grateful to the citizens of Nis that they were today together with soldiers, NCOs and officers of the Army.
- It is particularly encouraging that today in Nis, along with soldiers, there were a lot of young people, primary and secondary school students. The future of our country is on them and we all must fight for them. It is not a sin to love your country, your city, your army, coat of arms, your anthem "God of Justice", it is not a sin to be with your army, on the contrary, it is something that is topical and interesting in every country – General Simovic assessed and stressed that this showed the unity of Nis citizens and the Army.
On the Square of King Milan, the Nis citizens were able to see the materiel and EOD equipment, flags and pennants of units of the Armed Forces, the Nis Military orchestra performance, military dance and folk dance groups "Far Away", while special interest was raised by demonstration of martial arts.
On Nisava quay, members of the Army exhibited modern weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles, equipment, river units and demonstrated physical exercises.
Citizens of Nis showed the greatest interest in the activities in Nis Fortress, where members of the Army showed lowering on a rope from a helicopter, parachute jumps, fight in an urban environment, countering riots, work with service dogs, numerous arms and equipment of the Army units.
In the Saint Sava park, the citizens could see the display of martial arts, handling cold weapons, arms and equipment of special units and military police units, CBRN defence agents, then the "hammer" vehicle and the hit detection system.
In the "Chair" park, members of the Army displayed arms and equipment of special, artillery, air defence units, CBRN defence units, military police units and unmanned aerial vehicles, while the greatest enthusiasm was caused by demonstration of martial arts and resolving a hostage situation.
Visitors were delighted with the demonstration and the opportunity to socialize with members of the Army and to get acquainted with a part of arms and military equipment of the Army.