Improving military cooperation with Romania
Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic and Ambassador of Romania, Mrs Oana-Cristina Popa, discussed the possibilities for further enhancement of cooperation in the field of defence.
Bearing in mind that these are friendly countries that have traditionally developed good neighbourly relations, it was agreed at the meeting that cooperation in the field of defence can be characterized as a developed one, but with enough space for its qualitative and quantitative improvement.
In that sense, the interlocutors noted that the restrictive budgetary measures in both countries in the past period had had a significant impact on the quantity of defence cooperation, but that there was willingness in the coming period, through meetings at the ministerial level, to find ways to significantly improve the military cooperation. Minister Djordjevic mentioned execution of joint exercises, including exercise ‘Air Solution’, as a good example of the current relations in that field.
At the meeting, they discussed the necessity of cooperation between intelligence and security agencies, given the threat of terrorism and uncontrolled migration from the crisis areas.
Minister Djordjevic stressed that the current migrant crisis creates a specific situation and represents a common problem, and that operationalization of the Protocol on the establishment and activities of mixed patrols along the common state border, signed during the recent meeting of prime ministers of the two countries, will certainly contribute to better protection of the state borders of Serbia and Romania.
The defence minister also thanked for the support that Romania offers to Serbia in the process of the European integration and on the readiness for sharing the experience in the accession process.

