Marking the tenth anniversary of the Central Logistics Base
On that occasion, Milorad Simic stressed that the Central Logistics Base is the basis of logistic support and the mainstay for all units in carrying out their tasks.
- Dear members of the Central Logistics Base, you are expected to continue the successful implementation of the tasks entrusted to you. I am convinced that this award by the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces is a stimulus for all of you in your further work – Simic said.
Brigadier General Peter Latkovic recalled the significant events and results of the work of the unit. He pointed out the specifics of that unit – a large number of buildings and warehouses at various locations in Serbia, adding that this was for the first time that members of the Base were lined up in one place together.
On the occasion of the Day of the unit, the best individuals from the Central Logistics Base have been awarded and commended, which was followed by a parade of units and vehicles available in that Base.