Exercising neutralizing a terrorist group at Orešac

The forces which landed yesterday at Kovin airport were divided into two groups and one of them was sent to the place at the perimeter of Deliblato Sands with the aim to destroy a smaller terrorist group.

Then the mechanized platoon including mixed crews of three armies comes to the scene and despite the actions of terrorists, destroys the group from rocket launchers.

After that, specialist teams enter the place of residence of terrorists, surround it and destroy unexploded ordnance.
The members of Airborne Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Special Operations Command from the Republic of Belarus, Serbian Armed Forces – members of the Battalion for anti-terrorist operations of the Special Brigade, the mechanized platoon from 1st Army Brigade and helicopter units of Air Force and Air Defence with Mi-17 and “gazela” helicopters took part in exercising conducted today.
Moreover, exercising of units including checking readiness for execution of set tasks continued today at Pasuljanske livade combined service training range.

