Confirmation of intensified defence cooperation with Federal Republic of Germany

The interlocutors exchanged views on the security situation in the Western Balkans and the current security challenges on a global scale, with emphasis on migrant crisis.
Both sides agreed that cooperation in the field of defence is meaningful and varied, and that the joint efforts of the EU Mission to train military and security forces of Mali represents a significant step forward and gives a special quality to cooperation.
Captain Konjikovac briefed the guests on the current and future plans for the future engagement of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in multinational operations, and then on the current European integration process and the priorities of the Ministry of Defence in the area of Common Security and Defence Policy, as well as the achieved level of cooperation within the Partnership for Peace.
He emphasized the importance of finalizing the process of signing the new defence cooperation agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Germany. He particularly emphasized the importance of the meetings at the highest level, which would round off the developed cooperation and provide support to its further intensification.
He noted that military economic and military-educational cooperation has most space for a qualitative progress and pointed out the commitment to intensifying cooperation in the field of CBRN.

He conveyed the readiness of Germany to continue support to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia through the program "Assistance in training and education", the promotion of mutual engagement in multinational operations and cooperation in other main fields, where the increasingly present military medical cooperation has special place.
They expressed determination to organize joint training and exercises, which would give a strong impetus to military cooperation and contribute to raising the level of operational and functional capabilities.
During the meeting, they reviewed the proposals and agreed activities of bilateral military cooperation in 2017.
The delegation of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany was also received by Acting Assistant Minister for Defence Policy, Major General Sladjan Djordjevic.