State Secretary Neric in Prokuplje garrison and on Merdare base
In Ratko Pavlovic Cicko barracks in Prokuplje, the State Secretary was welcomed by Brigadier General Mile Jelic, Third Army Brigade Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Dragan Milenkov, Commander of the 310th Engineer Battalion, and officers and NCOs from the Prokuplje Garrison. Brigadier General Jelic introduced the State Secretary and his associates with the organization, purpose and tasks of the Third Army Brigade.
Addressing the most responsible commanding officers of the Third Brigade and the Engineer Battalion, State Secretary Neric pointed out that a lot has been done to improve the living and working conditions in the units of the Serbian Armed Forces, starting with improving the state of equipment of the members of the Armed Forces in arms to the scheduled wage increases in the amount of four to five percent. He underlined that a new model of financing housing construction was being prepared and that the standard of the defence system members will be raised also using the capacities of military self-revenue institutions.
During his visit to the engineering battalion, the State Secretary visited the classrooms and training ranges for the EOD platoon and unexploded ordnance. Members of the platoon, commanded by Lieutenant Nenad Kanjevac, showed State Secretary Neric technology and resources at their disposal and specific details of training, based on high and modern standards.
During the day, State Secretary Neric visited the base on the administrative line towards Kosovo and Metohija – Merdare, which is one of the seven bases that the Serbian Armed Forces has recently taken over from the Gendarmerie. Acting Commander of the Second Army Brigade Colonel Zeljko Kuzmanovic and Force Commander Lieutenant General Aleksandar Dedic introduced the State Secretary to all aspects of securing the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija and control of the Ground Safety Zone, while Commander of the Merdare base, Major Milos Dimitrijevic, briefed on specific issues of security administration line which is 15 kilometres long. Major Dimitrijevic noted in particular that the biggest problems in the Zone were related to illegal logging and illegal trade in livestock, but that all illegal actions are prevented by good organization and efficient operation of reconnaissance patrols, ambushes and observation posts. In the base, State Secretary Neric showed special interest in the levels of cooperation between the members of the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR.