Visit to 3rd Army Brigade and Nis Military Hospital

Colonel Jovica Stanojkovic, Acting Director, informed Minister Djordjevic about the current situation, problems, capacities and capabilities of the Nis Military Hospital. In the discussion with the management of the Military Hospital and Colonel Ugljesa Jovicic, Head of the Military Health Department of the Ministry of Defence, Minister Djordjevic announced the reorganization of the military health care system and improvement of the health protection of the military personnel.
In Knjaz Mihailo barracks in Nis, Minister Djordjevic held a meeting with members of the 3rd Army Brigade where Brigadier General Mile Jelic, the Commander, introduced him to the purpose and tasks of the brigade. The meeting was attended by the Army Commander, Lieutenant General Milosav Simovic, and his associates.
During his visit to the 3rd Army Brigade, Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic and Minister of Justice Nela Kuburovic attended the demonstration of the skills of the 36th tank battalion.

