Corporal Srdjan Ristic broke the world record for push-ups
Thirty-four-year old Srdjan Ristic has prepared himself for this project for a long time, and as he says himself he is very satisfied with the final outcome.
- Tonight my dream came true. I did 2370 push-ups in one hour which is more than the current Guinness World Record. I practiced hard and this is the crown of my work. I must mention that tonight, at some moments I had trouble with breathing, but that the strong will and motivation were more powerful. I was able to deal with this problem. During the preparations, I had great support from my family, coach Cedomir Jovanovic, colleagues from my unit, the Central Logistics Base and sponsors to whom I would like to take this opportunity to thank. In the forthcoming period, I plan to continue to train and prepare for the new record, this time in the pull-up discipline. I would like to thank everyone who came tonight to support me. I would also like to take this opportunity to say to younger population to spend more time outdoors, playing sports, and that with a strong will, motivation and discipline every goal is achievable – Ristic said.
Corporal Srdjan Ristic has served in the Serbian Armed Forces since 2004. He started in Grosnica, in the 24th battalion for special operations, after which, in 2007, he was deployed to Kraljevo. Since 2009, Ristic is a member of the Central Logistics Base. He has been actively involved in sports since high school. He met with push-ups for the first time in the fifth class of the primary school at physical fitness test. After setting a kind of record in the school, he did not even hint that in the future he will become a world record holder in this discipline.
According to Guinness rules, it is possible to become a recorder in any of the disciplines in two ways: by arrival of the commission or by recording the activity with cameras according to the established rules, for what Ristić opted himself. After submitting the material and the recording verification by the Guinness Commission, the Serbian Armed Forces will have in its ranks a "world number one" in push-ups, the discipline which boasts durability in strength.