Concert for children and those who have not forgotten that they once were children

The working title of this cultural event, "Concert for children and those who have not forgotten that they were children", did not confuse those who are better connoisseurs of the work of Vera Milankovic – this composer, who is a descendant of high-ranking officers, scientists and diplomats, has been an excellent music teacher for decades. It was natural, then, that "Binicki" hosted little musicians from music schools "Jovan Ducic" and "Skadarlija" as soloists, during the first part of the concert.
The second part of the concert also showed that the convergence of music, especially classical, for the youngest ones, is a key component of the overall work of Vera Milankovic. So tonight, for the first time after almost 40 years, her "Guide through the Orchestra" had its premiere. This musical play, with the help of actress Helen Velkovski, narrator, Alexander Pavlov, and "little people from the radio," demonstrated how music can be transferred to children, the use of instruments to tell the adventure story full of pirates, ballerinas, horsemen, strong winds, and conjure up emotions. At a time when the question of how to amuse children and raise interest in them for anything that has nothing to do with a mobile phone or computer, and to keep their attention, has been at a high level, like an alarm, for a long time, this musical and theatrical work is a fine example of how successful communication is possible. With exciting tones resembling the golden age of Hollywood when pirates as well had charm, it was not difficult to get into the story. The little ones were the most numerous in the audience tonight and they were not bored.
The concert ended by awarding medals to members of the members of the Binicki Artistic Ensemble. Sergeant Major Damir Glusac and civilian Dragana Markovic, received medals for dedicated work during 20 years of service and civilians Jelena Lung, Nataša Milosevic, Slobodan Pavlovic, Dragan Miletic, as well as concert master of "Binicki", Uros Kovandzic, were rewarded for a decade of diligent work.

