- Jurisdiction
- Organisation scheme
- Description of duties
- Minister and Associates
- Minister
- State Secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Secretary of the Ministry of Defence
- Sectors
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finanance Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Special Internal Units
- Secretariat
- Office of the Minister of Defence
- Military Attorney's Office
- Administrative Bodies within MoD
- Defence Inspectorate
- Military Intelligence Agency
- Military Security Agency
- Autonomous Departments
- Public Relations Department
- Military Healthcare Department
- Higher Education Institution
- Defence University
- Specific internal units
- Inspector General of the Services
- Internal Audit Section
Open Day in Smederevska Palanka

Apart from the display of arms, military equipment and materiel, part of the Open Day programme consisted of thematic lectures, performance of the Stanislav Binicki Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence as well as humanitarian action of voluntary blood donation and organ donation organized by the Military Medical Academy.
The greatest attention was attracted by exercises "Water Purification" and "Firefighting".

The citizens of Smederevska Palanka and the vicinity consider this action very important, because it is a unique opportunity to socialize with members of the Serbian Armed Forces and to build mutual trust, Commander of the 203rd Mixed Storage Facility, Major Marko Katanic, said.
- Today's campaign aims to bring closer the military profession to the visitors through the display of the resources we have and part of the tasks we perform in order to animate the younger population for their future profession. We are especially pleased by the fact that about four hundred works arrived to the open fine art and literary competition on the topic of Serbian Armed Forces. The most successful ones were awarded diplomas and gifts. I would stress that all members of the storage facility have invested considerable efforts in preparing this campaign because we believe that this is one of the most beautiful tasks that members of the Serbian Armed Forces perform", Major Katanic said.
Today's campaign was visited by about 3,500 citizens of Smederevska Palanka and the vicinity.

- Jurisdiction
- Organisation scheme
- Description of duties
- Minister
- State Secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Secretary of the Ministry of Defence
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finanance Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Secretariat
- Office of the Minister of Defence
- Military Attorney's Office
- Defence Inspectorate
- Military Intelligence Agency
- Military Security Agency
- Public Relations Department
- Military Healthcare Department
- Defence University
- Inspector General of the Services
- Internal Audit Section