- Jurisdiction
- Organisation scheme
- Description of duties
- Minister and Associates
- Minister
- State Secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Secretary of the Ministry of Defence
- Sectors
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finanance Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Special Internal Units
- Secretariat
- Office of the Minister of Defence
- Military Attorney's Office
- Administrative Bodies within MoD
- Defence Inspectorate
- Military Intelligence Agency
- Military Security Agency
- Autonomous Departments
- Public Relations Department
- Military Healthcare Department
- Higher Education Institution
- Defence University
- Specific internal units
- Inspector General of the Services
- Internal Audit Section
Taking the oath of enlistment
Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic and his associates attended the ceremony of taking the oath of enlistment at the Sombor Airport.
Congratulating on the oath of enlistment, Minister Djordjevic said that this solemn act, and the oath uttered today by 500 boys and girls in training centres of the Serbian Armed Forces confirms the strong relationship between our army and people.
- Taking the military oath in the life of each one of you is proof of your maturity, responsibility, sense of belonging and patriotism; it is an act for which your parents and friends can be proud of you. Serbia calls you today, you are the future of this country. I am glad and I am proud of you because by your choice you have given a good example for all young people how to love their homeland thus awakening in them a desire to perform one day they this honourable military career – the defence minister said, adding that by the voluntary military service and enrolling to the military Academy you took on an extremely difficult but honourable task thus confirming the commitment to your homeland.
- Today's ceremony assures us that the youth of Serbia has not forgotten its history, tradition and true values, that our youth cherishes not only virtues of the elderly, but that the Serbian Armed Forces remains steadfast and committed to strengthening the operational capacity and focused on the execution of its primary task – the defence of the country – the defence minister said, adding that today a message it sent that the military will always be with its people, because that is the tradition of the Serbian Army and the security of the citizens of Serbia is the reason for its existence.
The oath taking ceremony in the Second Training Centre was attended by Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubisa Dikovic, Deputy Commander of the Training Command Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojevic, Head of Human Resources Department of SAF GS, Brigadier General Stojan Konjikovac, Chief of the Training and Doctrine Department, Brigadier General Marinko Pavlovic, representatives of other departments of MoD and SAF GS and the Ministry of Interior, the Bishop Milutin of Valjevo Diocese, representatives of Valjevo district and the city of Valjevo, parents and friends of future reserve officers, soldiers and cadets.
Congratulating the participants in the Course for reserve officers, cadets and soldiers on taking the oath, the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubisa Dikovic pointed out that this special and unrepeatable act demonstrates maturity, patriotism, responsibility and a sense of belonging which the parents, friends and members of the Armed Forces are proud of.
- Always remember that people are the greatest asset and the most precious resource of every army and every country, which should be preserved, as the quality people, good knowledge and superior education in the contemporary world are the strongest weapons and a prerequisite for the success. Therefore, cross your expertise with your military skills, in order to successfully develop your expertise during your professional career, until the moment when you are the most needed to Serbia, general Dikovic said at the oath taking ceremony in the Second Training Centre in Valjevo.
In the presence of State Secretary Nenad Neric and Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Jovica Draganic, in Field Marshal Petar Bojovic barracks in Leskovac, September 2016 generation of soldiers on voluntary military service and cadets of 141st class of the Military Academy passed their oath.
The ceremony was attended by Chief of Logistics Department, Brigadier General Zeljko Ninkovic, Chief of the Training Command, Brigadier General Dejan Jankovic, representatives of the Ministry of Interior, local authorities, religious communities, relatives and friends of cadets and soldiers.
Deputy Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Jovica Draganic, congratulated the cadets and soldiers on the taken oath and told them to be persistent and disciplined and to take pride in the military uniforms they wear today. He pointed out that the Serbian Armed Forces remains steadfastly committed to carrying out its tasks, one of which is the most sacred defence of the country.
- We will always be with our people, because the Serbian Armed Forces preserves tradition of the Peoples’s Army. The citizens of Serbia are our source, and their security is the reason for our existence, General Draganic said.

- Jurisdiction
- Organisation scheme
- Description of duties
- Minister
- State Secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Secretary of the Ministry of Defence
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finanance Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Secretariat
- Office of the Minister of Defence
- Military Attorney's Office
- Defence Inspectorate
- Military Intelligence Agency
- Military Security Agency
- Public Relations Department
- Military Healthcare Department
- Defence University
- Inspector General of the Services
- Internal Audit Section