Period: 01.01.2016 - 01.03.2025
Total number of records: 1912
Speaking in the morning programme of Pink TV on the fact that Pristinas side made the dialogue in Brussels senseless, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that the problem is that the resolution of ...
Children whose parents are employed or retired members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces have performed this evening at the Central Military Club in Belgrade at the traditional ...
- The visit from President Vučić to China is historical. Serbia has entered the big door on the world stage and having such a friend as China is, as the president of China is, that is something that ...
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Dr Neboja Stefanović presented today the plaques for exceptional cooperation and contribution to the work of the Ministry of Interior to Minister of ...
- If Kadri Veseli wishes so much to come to Ni, I will facilitate this for him, whenever he wishes, to cross the administrative line and to take him under guards to the investigating magistrate and ...