Period: 01.01.2016 - 05.03.2025
Total number of records: 1912
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin was in an unannounced visit today to the stationary camp of the members of the 11th generation during the 2nd module of the basic course for non-commissioned ...
Answering the question of the press whether the exercises in which Serbia participates with NATO change our position regarding military neutrality, Minister Vulin stated that it should primarily be ...
Milica Rakić is a symbol of suffering of our people, not solely the symbol of suffering of the innocent people during the NATO Aggression, but a symbol of suffering of our people through the entire ...
Vice President of the Government and Minister of Internal Affairs, Neboja Stefanović and Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin with their associates visited the firemen of the Ministry of Interior and ...
The Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin together with the Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces, General Ljubia Diković, State Secretary Aleksandar Živković, Army Commander, Lieutenant ...