Period: 01.01.2016 - 04.03.2025
Total number of records: 1912
Today, the Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, attended the Krajike pjesme, igre i običaji (Krajina Songs, Dances and Customs), in Busija, near Belgrade, organized by the Association of Refugees ...
- The Serbian Armed Forces gives special attention to the training of its members, but also the training of the reserve element. There is no professional army that could protect its country alone. ...
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin has met today with officers of the Military Intelligence Agency, who are going to take over the duty of defence attach of the Republic of Serbia abroad in the ...
- Our Armed Forces may not be the richest or best equipped, but they are certainly among the best trained and may possess the richest combat experience. Our members of the Air Force and Air Defence ...
Republika Srpska and Serbia have had the best cooperation since the establishment of Republika Srpska. Our relations are highly productive and honest, and President Vučić always, in each of his ...