Period: 01.01.2016 - 04.03.2025
Total number of records: 1912
On behalf of members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, to all those who today celebrate the holiday of Christs birth, I wish happy holiday and I wish that they spent it with their ...
Since stimulating measures were introduced for members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in January 2018, 1500 babies have been born and 500 marriages entered into. Minister of ...
Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin met with Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Belgrade, Hossein Molla Abdollahi today as part of his farewell visit at the end of his mandate with the ...
I cannot accept that Aleksandar Vučić avoids antagonising anyone, not even the West, defence minister Aleksandar Vulin told the National Assembly responding to Serbian Radical Party MP Vojislav eelj. ...
Union of Veterans’ Associations of Serbia support the decision on forming the 63rd and 72nd Brigades
Defence minister Aleksandar Vulin has met today with representatives of the newly formed Union of Veterans Associations of Serbia. Members of the Union that brings together veterans of all special ...