Period: 01.01.2016 - 01.03.2025
Total number of records: 1912
Military health care has made and is still making an enormous contribution to the fight against Covid-19, but it wouldnt be that ready and successful if we hadnt worked on its development and ...
Today, Minister Vulin visited the University of Defence, the Deans Office and the departments of the Military Academy, several newly furnished classrooms and laboratories where the cadets have ...
- As of today, Cobras are no longer an MP Battalion. As of today, Cobras are a Squadron directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff said the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin after ...
- It is a great honour to be here today, in a place rightfully called the Square of the Republic of Serbia. Not because Serbia donated a million euros for this to be built and completed, but because ...
- The Republic of Serbia headed by Aleksandar Vučić does not forget Serbs, wherever they live. Republika Srpska is one of the priorities of our foreign policy. All our documents from the National ...