Period: 01.01.2016 - 09.03.2025
Total number of records: 8242
At the barracks Stefan Nemanja in Raka training of the members of the 21st Infantry Platoon of the u Second Brigade of the Land Forces in handling, maintenance and use of the Lazar 3 wheeled armored ...
We are helping our people
- Even when we live in different countries, we always know that we belong to the same nation, and that is the most significant message. We are of Serbian origin and we ...
- Today we have agreed on some kind of additional concrete support to the Republika Srpska economy. We, through the Government of Republika Srpska, to which we will pay some money, will especially ...
September 2019 generation of soldiers doing military service, who were assigned to the Command Battalion of the Training Command after completing the first training period, are being trained these ...
Minister of Defence and Head of the Migration Working Group Aleksandar Vulin chaired a meeting of the Working Group on Mixed Migration Flows today, and the meeting was attended by Commissioner for ...